Monday, October 18, 2004


By Olivene Godfrey

Patience is one of the most important of all human traits. Yet, so few of us put it into practice. When we want something, we want it Now!

Patience can be a tough, challenging ingredient. Sometimes we dislike hearing the old cliché, " Patience is a virtue."
But, it can lead to a life of peace and accomplishment.

No matter what problems you are facing, patience has proven to be a proved solution. Often when we are disappointed we want to surrender, to give up. We feel frustration, and sometimes anger that clouds our minds, and we become panicky and often make our problems more complicated.

When we need to be patient it's a good idea to remember people who have achieved great success by practicing patience. We all know the story of how Thomas Edison tried 1,000 times before finding just the right filament to use in the light bulb.
He cheerfully told the person who asked him how he could justify 1,000 failures in a single project, " Why, now we know 1,000 ways it won't work". And, it's a good idea not to focus on our failures but on the ultimate rewards of patience persistence.

Another enemy of patience is the tendency to lose your cool in a crisis. It isn't always easy but I learned early in life that if you make yourself act calm in a crisis, that calmness rubs off on others around you.

I'm sure most parents have discovered that if they remain calm when a child is injured, the child will not be so frightened.

Sometimes you become aware of the value of patience by hearing about it from a wise person or by observing it in the lives of other people. There are some things in life that we can't rush. We can learn a lesson in patience by observing nature.
The sunrise cannot be hurried and nothing can alter the rhythm of the tides.

Many of us get discouraged and quit a task after a few trials.
But great people are patient and they work hard at their jobs, striving to do their best. Maybe that is why they are great people.

Most people find themselves faced with problems during their lifetimes. If a problem is haunting you. The only way to stop worrying about it is to come to terms with it. Solve the problem. If you can, with whatever help you can get. But, if it is one of life's insoluble problems, and many people have those, we may have to adjust to it as part of our personal "bucket of pain." And that requires the greatest patience.

Almost everyone has some problem that does resist solution.
And you can wear yourself out worrying about such problems. You can either rise above them or solve them.

This is good advice: "The secret of patience is doing something else in the meanwhile." - The Sun Dial.

See you next time.


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