Monday, November 08, 2004


Bu Olivene Godfrey

In the cold weather months, we bring the patio plants inside the house and put the hardier ones in the garage. My Christmas cactus is about 15 years old and it is huge and is a gorgeous sight. Soon after son Barry brought the cactus into the garage, he discovered that two lizards are living in the plant. He said they are harmless and eat insects. But to me they are still reptiles and I don't venture too close to the cactus.

I still remember the morning when we lived in Florida and Barry was about two years old. I went outside to empty his little swimming pool and a long, scary looking snake slithered across my feet. I ran to the house, chanting, "Oh! Oh! Oh!", until I was safely inside the house. And to this day, I am frightened by any kind of reptile.


Barry spent about a month winterizing our house, and we are finally having some cold weather, and his efforts seem to be paying off for us. Also, the new French doors we had installed in the den last spring seem to be tighter than the sliding glass doors we previously had in that room and is saving energy.
Barry also bought an oil filled radiator electric space heater that is helping to supplement the central heat in the den where I spend most of my time. We had previously used a kerosene heater, which we are planning to use in case of emergencies now.

We have had so much hot weather this fall that most of the trees here in Northwest Georgia are mostly still green. The few that have turned were brown before falling to the ground. We are wondering if we will have our annual colored leaf show this year.


Yesterday, (Sunday), Barry and I decided that since it was a bright sunny day that we would drive up to Chattanooga and eat an early lunch at the Piccadilly Cafeteria and browse in the Hamilton Place Mall for a while. Since it takes about an hour to drive from our house to Chattanooga, we left here about 10:30 A.M. and when we had nearly reached our destination, we came upon a multiple-car accident that seemed to have happened shortly before we passed it in one lane. We said two prayers, one that the people involved in the crash were okay, and a prayer of thanks that we had escaped the pile-up.

We ate a delicious lunch at the Piccadilly and then browsed in the mall, with Barry pushing me in my wheel chair that we use in malls and large stores. To our surprise, the mall was already decorated beautifully for Christmas. We went in the glass elevator to the ground floor and had a close-up view of the beautiful tree that soars up two floors.

On the way home, Barry and I talked about how much stronger I am now than I was two years ago when Barry took me up to the mall shortly after my husband died. I cared for him several years before I collapsed with pneumonia and had to be hospitalized for a week and those years took a toll on my health in general. I think it has just taken time for me to regain my health and the new diet I started September 4th, and the weight lost since then, seems to be playing a role in my improved health for which I am grateful.

See you next time.


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