Monday, March 14, 2005


By Olivene Godfrey

The day I took a nasty tumble on my bike when I was a kid, little did I realize that it would cause me pain later in life. I saw my doctor last week regarding recent lab work and I told her my arthritis in my legs, especially my knees, was causing me awful pain. The doctor examined my legs, especially my knees, where the pain is most intense. Her diagnosis was "Old disruption of knee", where my childhood injury was most serious. The doctor, knowing how sensitive my gut is, has never prescribed arthritis medicines for me. and, she advised me to take the supplement, Glucosamine HCL with MSM which I am doing now. Also, my "fragrance" these days is most often the pungent odor of Ben Gay which gives me some relief from the pain.

LAB NEWS-- My cholesterol was great and, remember I told you last year that oatmeal would bring it down, which it continues to do for me. My diabetes is still being controlled by my no sugar and no potato diet and I go back for more tests in three months. I have lost 22 pounds on this diet but losing the weight now is slow going. I need to lose at least ten more pounds and I stay on my diet most of the time as I fear the consequences of diabetes if I don't, as well as wanting to lose weight.


I've written several times this winter about how the damp coldness we've had here in northwest Georgia seems to penetrate to my bones. My sister, Jeanette, and her daughter, Charlene, have also complained of the cold weather. I mentioned this to my doctor who agreed with us that despite temps not being too cold it has seemed much more frigid.

This past weekend we had a nice hint of spring with sunshine and balmy weather. When son Barry and I drove to town Sunday to eat lunch, we saw a little boy pushing his bike across a lawn, wearing shorts and going barefoot. Barry said he was reminded of when he was a kid and would go barefoot the first warm day in the spring while playing outside. Already, the days are longer which is nice and gives us hope that spring in all of its green glory will be here soon.


My sister, Jeanette, and her husband, Charles, are sick with the flu and Jeanette has especially been hit hard by it. She has had to stay in bed most of the time for over two weeks now. They both had flu shots but this seems to be a new kind of flu going around now in northwest Georgia. I am hoping and praying that I don't get this flu as with my frail health, I am afraid I might not survive it. I also hope and pray that Barry won't come down with the flu and that Jeanette and Charles recover soon.

See you next time.


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