Wednesday, February 23, 2005


By Olivene Godfrey

Like most women, sometimes I just "know" something without any apparent reason for knowing. Some call this mysterious faculty, "women's intuition." And I imagine Eve drove Adam just as wild as modern man when she says,” I just know, that's all.” when he questions how she has certain knowledge without any conscious reasoning on her part.

now, the intuitive woman can identify rivals, social climbers,
even know when her man is just daydreaming about another woman, and often answer questions before they are asked. And while women may have some trouble guessing ages of men, she can with the aid of almost imperceptible clues guess the ages of other women.

I'd like to be able to say it's true that women really are more intuitive than men but research I have done shows there is no scientific evidence for such a claim. But, what investigation has been done on intuition shows that it is based on experience. A person's experience is a storehouse of memories and impressions. These bits of experience, with proper stimulation, shape into a thought or judgment. Then, the person "knows” it, but can't say where the knowledge came from.

Every intuitive person knows how to draw on his reserve of unconscious knowledge and experience in coping with the problems of everyday life. Life is more interesting for the intuitive person than for the nonintuitive. Intuition is finding new and deeper meanings in people and events, and making more sense out of life.

If you are alert to what's going on around you, the clues are all there. Let people tell you about themselves unconsciously. And they do - unconsciously a person's eyes, facial expression, speech, hands, etc… reveal much about themselves.

While it's true that anyone, male or female, can develop intuition, we still hear and read much about women's intuition. As someone said, women don't pay nearly as much attention as men to what people say. But, they usually know a great deal about the way people feel.

See you next time.


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