Sunday, February 13, 2005


By Olivene Godfrey

How many times have you remarked, " I'll never do that!" or ""That will never happen to me."? Probably enough times that you've learned now how unwise it is to say such things. Most of us learn sooner or later that all the things we think can never happen will happen, and all the things we think we'll never do, we probably will do.

Of course, we make choices every day. Without some boundaries to give a pattern to life every minor decision would become a crisis.

But, that word,” never", can keep us from fully enjoying the wonder and richness of living. We're born to unspecified possibilities. It's harmless to say, " I 've never..." but to declare, " I will never...", is allowing that thief, "Never"
To rob of us from some exhilarating experiences.

When we drop a negative attitude we soon discover the satisfying aspects that comes from thinking positive, from doing something, finding fulfillment.

Maybe we should from time to time reexamine our hunches. Maybe our intuition tells us we shouldn't do something. But, if we give it some thought we may decide our hunches are excuses, alibis to keep us from entering new, untried experiences.

Throughout our lives we are finding out who we are and what we may become. And, maybe that thing we insist we'd never do is the very thing we need for completion. To break out of an old rut can become exhilarating and creative. Of course, there are times when negatives are necessary and suitable. But, as we grow older we change and any position may be outgrown.

The Old Testament says, "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven." And, it's amazing how much of life's misfortune is simply bad timing. Think back on some of the days when you seemed to have a tremendous amount of bad luck, or good luck.

To get ahead in the world one needs a number of assets. But, even one who is skeptical (including me) of superstition has to admit there seems to be something in knowing when to speak, when to keep silent, and that timing is an important factor.
Actors know the value of timing on the stage. But, all of us can master the art of knowing the "right moment", in our marriages, our work, our relationships with others. And when we become skilled at knowing the right moment, happiness and success are practically ours.

See you next time.


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