Tuesday, January 25, 2005


By Olivene Godfrey

Have you noticed that it's usually the rich who are quick to say that money isn't everything? I know the joys of nature can't be bought. But, a home with a view of a mountain or a sleeping valley, with all their delights does cost money.

Money can often buy health and education. But, most important it can buy peace of mind. Sure, some folks aren't happy even if they are rich. But, believe me, they are more comfortable in their misery than unhappy, poor people.

Frankly, I feel like bopping the affluent person who consoles a more unfortunate soul with the "money can't buy everything" bit. I don't believe in discriminating against the rich. Actually, I would love being one of them myself. But, it seems that nowadays it is the middle class that is being discriminated against.

I do feel empathy for persons living in extreme poverty. But, most of them get assistance from federal and state governmental agencies. Then. The rich get, or more knowledgeable about, special income tax deductions. And, I have read that the cost of living is actually higher for low-income persons.

What it all boils down to is this -- In this year of 2005, a person has to have a certain amount of money to exist even in poverty. And, only the very foolish would say that money is everything. But, only the very foolish would also say that it isn't important.


Here is some advice on reputation. "Do not worry about what people are thinking about you - for they are not thinking about you. They are wondering what you are thinking about them." Anonymous.

See you next time.


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