Monday, March 07, 2005


By Olivene Godfrey

Years ago I read that a psychologist had said if you want to improve your memory, just practice forgetting. I remember after reading that bit of information, I thought I should have a great memory the way I'm able to forget things.

The psychologist believed that efficient remembering is clearly
related to efficient forgetting. The process is usually automatic, the psychologist said, and he believed a person could train himself to initially forget just as he can train himself intentionally to remember. This theory isn't new as I had read many years ago that cluttering up the mind with unnecessary information, such as trying to remember old telephone numbers of no value.
Since I've been practicing this theory for years, I don't understand why I have such a poor memory. I haven't an idea what my Social Security number is. I don't even know the number of my car tag. I don't make an effort to learn such numbers as I can always look them up if I need them. Quite often these days I don't remember the name of a person whom I know well. Or, sometimes I can't remember something that was on the tip of my tongue.

I'm often embarrassed when I see people I once knew who recognize me but I can't recall their names, and sometimes I can't recall even where they live. I'll never b a memory expert but I think I could qualify as an expert forgetter.


We have put out another bird feeder after the pesky squirrels destroyed the old ones. So far, only one squirrel visited it but he must not have been interested as he hasn't returned.
We have also been scattering birdseed on the patio floor and birds are flocking to our patio and yard. One recent cold day, we had snow showers and I was amused by the birds as they attempted to eat the snowflakes as they fell to the ground.

The weather people say we are in for some bad weather this week with more snow showers expected and cold temps. WE have trees budded out and the pear tree is in bloom so I guess old Jack Frost will get them. I will be so glad when this winter is over for good and spring arrives with warm weather.

See you next time.


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