Wednesday, March 30, 2005


By Olivene Godfrey

After seeming to wait an eternity this year for spring to arrive in northwest Georgia, it is finally here, I think. Despite some cold weather this week, my spirits have been lifted by the bright yellow Forsythia bushes in our yard now in full bloom, showing off their beauty.

And then son Barry has been cleaning the house with gusto.
He has been fascinated with machinery since he was a toddler. (He works as a machinist now.) He recently bought a new Shop Vac which he has been using to clean house up a storm.
He has things looking neat and clean, even in my home office, and has several more major cleaning projects to do. I hope he continues to be enthusiastic about the new Shop Vac until all the jobs are finished.

Barry gave me a pretty basket of impatiens for Easter which is one of my favorite plants. I have always had good luck with them and mine grow like huge balls of flowers which I keep on the patio. The new ones are red and are healthy looking and very pretty. When all danger of frost here is past, we will take the plants that spent the winter inside out to the patio and they will grow nicely out there.

Barry had success growing tomato plants in a large patio container last year. He has bought new soil and has the container ready for new tomato plants which he will purchase and plant soon. I will look forward to eating the delicious home grown tomatoes this summer.

ABOUT THE BIRDS-- We had to move the bird feeder off the patio and put it in the yard. Since we have a free all you can eat buffet for birds, they have been flocking in droves to the yard and feeder. They are messy little critters though while feeding and they were making the patio messy too. Barry said, " No wonder the birds are such messy eaters since they have no hands and have to pick up their food with their beaks to eat it."
Makes sense. We've had to chase the squirrels away as I sure don't want to feed them and have them hanging around the house again like they were when they got in the attic.
Barry sealed the opening where they were entering the attic and it was a trauma to them and we don't see many of the squirrels anymore, thank goodness!

OATMEAL HARPING AGAIN--A while back, my sister, Jeanette's husband, Charles, was worried about his high cholesterol and he decided to use the oatmeal plan I am always talking about as I have had such good luck with it. Charles tried eating the oatmeal and recently had his cholesterol checked and it had come down, proving once again that the plan really works. See? I have been telling you that eating a bowl of oatmeal every day will lower your cholesterol.

See you next time.


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