Monday, June 01, 2015


June 1, 2015

By Olivene Godfrey

Barry says that I take "cat naps" all day long.  He says that's why some nights I have insomnia.  I don't think I'm the only old person who "cat naps".  Some days, I take a "real nap".  Awhile back, I read in the paper that a doctor thought it was good for seniors to take naps after lunch.

Sometimes, on weekends, Barry takes a "power nap".  He never sleeps very long in the afternoon, but says he feels renewed and he stays busy until bedtime.

My "cat naps' don't prevent me from falling asleep about 9 pm at night.  On week days Barry and I rise at 5:30 am and follow our morning routine.  He goes to work at 7 am.  Since he works a short distance from our home, he has no problem getting to work on time.

When I'm here alone in the afternoon, after Tam leaves for the day, I hear "sounds" of the house "settle down".  We have a "ghost sound" that is only noisy when either I or Barry are here alone.  The "ghost" sounds like a car door slamming shut.  At first, we would look outside and there wasn't a car here.  Sometimes now, if I'm home alone, I think I hear footsteps on the large hall that leads to the other end of the house.  If I check it out, there's no one in the hall.

If you have a "ghost" in your house, I'd like to hear from you.

See you next time.  Comments welcome.  (As told to Tam.)


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