Monday, June 08, 2015


June 8, 2015

By Olivene Godfrey

This past Saturday, Barry almost stepped on a long black snake in our garage.  He was a bit shaken and researched black snakes on the internet.  He learned that Black Rat Snakes and Black Racers, both are nonvenomous and neither are about to hurt you.  They're only around because there is food nearby, and that food isn't you.

Black snakes mostly eat lizards, birds, and bird eggs.  The report says black snakes also eat large quantities of rodents.  If you can get over your fear, they're good to have around your garage or barn to keep the mice at bay.  But, if a black snake bites you, it is likely to be painful and full of bacteria which can lead to infection.  So, it's better to treat all snakes respectfully and keep your distance, and avoid being bitten.  Barry sent Tam a text message about the snake.  She replied that she hates snakes and mice.  So do I!

I remember the day in Florida when Barry was a toddler.  I had gone outside to empty his kiddie pool and a snake was under it and slithered around my feet.  I ran back to the house and it took awhile to calm down.  We'll see what happens next to the long black snake Barry saw in the garage.  We hope he's gone.

I guess summer here in the South has arrived, although technically, it's still spring.  Barry said the lightning bugs were out last night early.  He remembered when he chased and caught them as a boy.

Tam drove me to Dalton last Friday and her daughter, Carrie, gave me a short haircut.  Once again, with her magical fingers, she made my hair look pretty.

See you next time.  Comments welcome.  (As told to Tam.)


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