Sunday, December 11, 2011

Son Barry's company dinner party & doctor visit & Barry's baby clothes.

By Olivene Godfrey

Since I live such a quiet life now, I was eagerly waiting for Barry's company dinner party at a popular steak house in Dalton.
My helper, Tam, did my hair and helped me get ready for the dinner so I would look as good as an 84 year old woman can expect to.

The best part of the dinner party was meeting in person Barry's friends and co-workers, Kym and Denise, and their boss lady,
Stephanie,and her husband, Jack.  I also met Kym and Denise's mother, Peggy, and Barry's other boss, Brent, and his wife Jacinta who live near us. 

The following morning, I had an appointment with my doctor.
and Tam drove me to her office.  The results of my recent lab work were fine.  The doctor gave me a cortisone shot for the horrendous pain I've been having in my knees since the weather turned cold.  I understand now why so many old folks spend winters in a warm climate.

The next day was my birthday and wouldn't you know I would wake up early with a really bad IBS attack and felt bad all day. Barry bought me two cup cakes which were decorated like mini birthday cakes and were delicious. He has ordered me a gift from Amazon which will be delivered shortly.

For years, Barry and I have referred to a hall closet with louvered doors as the Mystery Closet. We weren't quite sure just all that was in the closet but the doors would hardly open and close.  Tam, bless her, cleaned out the closet one recent day and found a box of Barry's baby clothes that I had packed away more than 50 year ago.  The cute little suits are in amazingly good condition which brought back memories of the days when Barry was a baby.

See you next time.


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