Sunday, September 25, 2011

Those old clips; some ideas same

Olivene Godfrey

Now and then I go back and read pieces I wrote years ago.  And  some of my opinions and beliefs have changed over the years.  Still, my basic philosophy has remained the same. That is the philosophy that the past is gone and the future never happened, and the important thing is what happens now. I try to savor the moment of now. What I do today is important. Not what I did yesterday, nor what I may do tomorrow. I remember the past to learn from it, not to try to re-live it.

When I was very young I placed more emphasis on the future.
Instead of savoring a moment in the present I had the feeling that something better would happen in the future.  But, there came a time when I realized, as most of us do eventually, that the future I'd dreamed of as a youngster had arrived, and I'd better make the best of it.

Now that I'm in old age with its aches and pains, I savor a joyful moment to its fullest, trying not to dwell on the future, nor of the past.


Music has always been important to me.  And, I would have liked to be a professional musician.  But, there are songs on records that never seem to end.  I don't now if they are written that way or if the singer's arranger is responsible. What I mean is the singer continues to sing the last line of the song for what seems like about 15 minutes before coming in for the last roundup of it. Even if I like the song I'm about ready to scream by the time it ends when it has a long finale.

A bit of philosophy: "If a man does not keep peace with his companions perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.  Let him step to the music which he hears."  Henry David Thoreau

"Optimism:  A cheerful frame of mind that enables a tea kettle to sing though in hot water up to its nose." Anonymous.

See you next time.


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