Monday, June 02, 2008



One recent day, son Barry drove us to nearby Dalton and during the drive we saw that a tent revival was underway. A tent flap was opened and the thick layer of sawdust on the ground was visible and my mind flew back to a tent revival of long ago.

A tent revival is a gathering of Christian worshipers in a tent specifically for revival meetings, healing crusades and church rallies. Tent revivals have had both local and national ministries. The night most vividly in my memory was a tent revival conducted by my Methodist preacher daddy somewhere in the Chattanooga area.

During the sermon in my memory, my twin sisters who were about two years old at that time, were fascinated with the sawdust on the ground. The twins were playing in the sawdust at Mother's feet and she didn't try to stop them as they were at least quiet.
Then to Mother's dismay, the twins ran to the mourner's bench on the ground and began to throw sawdust at Daddy's feet, laughing all the while. Somehow, Daddy continued to preach and then Mother marched down to where the twins were playing and she snatched them up in her arms and carried them to our car. I was only about six years old and went along . too.
When we were in the car, Mother gave both twins pops on their bottoms and warned them not to play in the sawdust again.
After a brief spell of crying, the twins fell asleep. But, the incident has remained in my mind.

I recently read an interesting article in Arthritis Today magazine entitled, "Instant Energy Boosters. The article list 14 quick, easy tips to boost energy. One tip is to listen to music which the researchers found to boast energy and stimulate positive thinking. Listening to music has always affected my moods. Another tip is to wear red. Some of you may recall that my spirits are lifted when I wear my red jacket. The article reports that studies indicate that color has a huge impact on how a person feels. And, red, in particular, has been shown to improve mood and alertness.

The Arthritis Today, May-June, 2008 issue,gives more tips and
much more.

My insomnia has been especially bad recently. I have drank caffeine free coffee and tea for years. Recently, Barry bought regular tea as the grocery store had sold out caffeine free tea. Barry thought the regular tea might be causing my insomnia. I do drink Diet Coke which has caffeine in it but I don't drink it after lunch. But, Barry bought me a carton of Coca Cola Zero which has some caffeine but not much. He also bought a box of caffeine free tea. And, for whatever the reason, I have slept good the past few nights, thank God.

See you next time.


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