Monday, June 09, 2008

Poison Ivy is a woody vine that is well known for its ability to produce a skin irritant that causes an itching rash for most people. It is normally found in wooded areas in suburban and exurban areas of New England, the Middle Atlantic and Southeastern United State.
Barry decided to use his weed eater to destroy the Poison Ivy in our yard. Instead, the flying pieces of the hated plant covered Barry's arms and legs, causing the awful rash. Barry is like me, if I walk by the plants, I could get the rash.
This past weekend Barry sprayed some stuff he got at a hardware store that is supposed to kill the plants in a few days.
We shall wait and see....

Nowadays, I only do light housekeeping and some cooking with Barry doing the heavy cleaning and yard work. While folding a large basket of laundry, I thought of how difficult it is for me to do even the most simple chores since I need to walk with a cane. But, I know it is good for me to stay active and we all need work to do.

I was thinking this week that in July, I will mark my 5th year of writing in this space and it has been a good outlet for me now that I am retired. In the past, I wrote with deadlines and it is good not to have them. Yet, Barry says I worry if I haven't written columns by a certain date. I guess that the years of having deadlines is a habit I can't seem to break.

We are having a heatwave now with temps in the 90s during the daytime and in the 70s at night. I have been staying inside of our air-conditioned house but Barry's shop doesn't have AC. Since I haven't been outside the house in quite a while we had an early buffet lunch at Western Sizzlin in Dalton on Sunday.
The food was delicious but we didn't "pig out" like we have done at buffets. My dessert for the week was hot apple cobbler pie topped with a dollop of vanilla, soft ice cream. We were glad to return to our cool house and take naps. Then we had chores to do and it was a good day.

See you next time.


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