Tuesday, July 24, 2007



As I write this, I am exhausted thinking about the past few days. Last Friday, son Barry took me to my GI doctor's office in Dalton to pick up my instructions for the colonscopy and endoscopy which the doctor will do in a couple of weeks. I also received some samples of a new laxative I will try soon.
Then, we returned to Chatsworth and stopped in at my family doctor's office for an order to take to local hospital to pick up what was needed for a 24-hour urine test.
My doctor ordered the test as she started looking for an underlying cause of my low sodium in the blood. The condition is called hyponatremia. We had some problems at the hospital before returning home

Then, Barry left to go to the supermarket to buy groceries for the week. I took care of some chores and then helped Barry put the groceries up. At this point, we were starving and ate a lunch from the deli. After lunch, Genevelyn, my good neighbor and friend, called to ask if we would like some fresh produce and I said yes, so she brought us a bag of the good veggies over here. We had a nice, little chat and Barry helped me to go out on the patio to look at our pretty plants which he has nurtured.

After supper, I kept falling asleep in front of the television set and finally Barry woke me and told me to go to bed. When I was settled in bed, I became wide wake and spent a restless night. I told Barry the next morning, that I lead such a quiet and often boring life, I guess I had too much excitement on Friday. Saturday was fairly peaceful but too soon Sunday morning arrived and I began the 24-hour urine test. I won't go into all the details but I firmly believe that women's bodies were made to be seated on the toilet seat when voiding instead of standing up to use a female urinal.

Lately, several people have told me that I am "looking great".
While I appreciate the compliments, I am puzzled. I wonder if they mean that I look great considering my age and all my ailments. When I look in my mirror, I see an old lady who has lost her looks. I tell myself I am glad I haven't also lost my mind. But, I have days when I wonder if my mind is working.

FLASH!!!! I just had a call from my family doctor's nurse and she had good news for me. The 24-hour urine test I had over the weekend is fine and she just wants me to come back in a month for a mini check up. I called Barry at work to tell him the news and he was relieved,too.

QUOTE:"There is no passion in the human heart that promises so much and pays so little as that of revenge." Earl Wilson column.


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