Sunday, July 08, 2007



I've told you about the test which showed that I may have blood in my stool and I am scheduled to have a colonscopy and endoscopy
in a month. I was concerned about that when my family doctor's nurse called with the results of recent lab work I had at the office. The report showed I have a lower than normal concentration of sodium in my blood. The doctor wanted me to have another blood test which I did, and, it too, showed low sodium in my blood. So, I had a urine test and I am waiting for the results of it. Barry did some research on the web and this condition has a name, Hyponatremia. It can be very serious and I am concerned about it, too. I will keep you posted and I hope you will pray for me.


Son Barry and I ate a recent Sunday lunch at the Village Cafeteria in Chatsworth. Afterward, I reflected that it is a miracle I don't have a phobia about entering and exiting the cafeteria. For instance, a number of years ago, Barry and I had just finished eating there and a thunderstorm was brewing so we rushed to Barry's car which was parked nearby. I had started walking down the big steps of the elevated sidewalk
when a bolt of lightning struck directly in front of me,scaring me half to death. But, I still returned many times to eat at the popular eating place.

Then, two years ago, I fell from the elevated sidewalk to the pavement below, breaking my right arm and shoulder, when we were about to enter the Village. During the healing period, I had physical therapy and started walking with a cane. I learned exercises for balance and think it has helped me. But, I haven't driven since that fall and sold my car last year. But, we have continued eating there but I am extra cautious when entering or leaving the cafeteria.

This recent Sunday, I really didn't feel like going out but had been confined to the house for over a week and felt a need to go out. And, I am glad I did, as I had a serendipity inside the cafeteria. When Barry and I were about to eat our lunch, a man about Barry's age, walked to our table with a big smile on his face. He realized that I didn't recognize him and he told me that when he was a kid I wrote an article about all the books he had read. He told me his name and it came back to me. He lives in Atlanta now and wanted to tell me that he recently came across my blog on his computer and is reading it now. I'm always glad to receive feedback on the words written in this space and seeing him was a real serendipity for me.

QUOTE--"Perseverance is a great element of success. If you knock long enough and loud enough, you are sure to wake up somebody." Longfellow

See you next time.


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