Saturday, May 19, 2007



Last week, I had an appointment with a GI specialist regarding my Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I liked the doctor and am following his instructions. Since I've had the colonscopy test twice during the past ten years and nothing was found wrong, the doctor decided to start me on a treatment program with a prescription drug and fiber capsules for two months. If that doesn't work for me, he will schedule a colonscopy .I am hoping this will solve my problem which has been interfering with my life for too long. I found out some interesting things about IBS
in a brochure in the doctor's office. For instance, contrary to what many people, including myself, think, it isn't caused by stress or eating habits. The brochure information says that IBS sufferers may have a digestive system that reacts to change in a naturally chemical in their body called Serotonin. This regulates movement in the digestive system and the perception of abdominal discomfort and pain. I will keep you posted with my progress.

When son Barry and I returned home from the doctor's office in Dalton last week, a cloud of smoke hung in the air. Later,
we learned that wildfires that burned more than a 1,000 acres near our county line in the Chattahoochee National Forest were contained. Lightning appears to be the cause of the fire, according to the Forestry Service. I hope it doesn't happen again but we are still so dry and need rain here in northwest Georgia.

I read an interesting article about home cooking vs eating out in restaurants recently in the Consumer Reports ON Health newsletter. A 2006 study from the University of Minnesota found that those who cooked dinner at home at least once a week, consumed less fat and more fruits, veggies, whole grains and Calcium than those who almost always eat out. So, according to the article, and my own experience it's typically healthier to eat at home if you watch portion size and limit salt and fat, and include fruits, veggies and whole grains. Some restaurants serve huge portion sizes which is probably why we're become a nation of fatties. When we eat a buffet meal, I try to eat only small portions.

QUOTES---"How can we expect another to keep our secret if we cannot keep it ourselves? " La Rochefoucauld.

"Middle age is when your legs buckle--and your belt doesn't."
Earl Wilson column.

"Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them." Oscar Wilde,
British wit and dramatist.

See you next time.


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