Monday, July 16, 2007



Our family has never cared much about acquiring status symbols to impress others. We believe that if you try to impress people, that's the impression you make. That doesn't mean that we don't enjoy nice things but we keep things a long time. I guess we also believe another old adage that goes, "if it ain't broke,
don't fix it." And, if it is broken, try to repair it before replacing it with a new one.

These thoughts came to my mind this past week when Barry's nine year old car's air conditioning and generator began to act up.
He was able to repair the AC and his generator was under a life time warranty he had purchased when he bought the car. So, he was able to get a new one. His car looks like a new one, inside and outside,as he takes good care of it and except for when it is being used, it is kept in an enclosed garage which helps.

This is not to say that we have never made any impulse buys. For instance, my late husband, Ralph, bought a brand new 1957
Chevy on his lunch break. He never dreamed that the car would become a classic and worth a small fortune and he sold it a few years later at a low price. (He did the same thing with a 1968 Chevelle and a 1959 Cadillac.) And there are clothes hanging in my closet that testify to my own impulse buying.

During the past year, we have bought a new refrigerator to replace a 30 year old one and a 43 year old garage one. The new one is energy saving and the savings have been substantial on our electric bill. So,we came out good on that deal as we enjoy the features on the new fridge. Barry carried the 43 year old fridge which still is the coldest one we have ever seen to his shop and he and his co-workers use it every day. We also have replaced a 30 year old dishwasher and an old clothes dryer with new energy saving one the past year and are enjoying the new ones very much.

Barry had a mini-vacation during the July 4th holiday and did some repair work around the house and worked in the yard. Somewhere in the yard and on the patio while cooking out, he got covered with pesky chigger bites and that isn't a fun thing.

QUOTES.."Do something every day to make people happy-- even
if it's just leaving them alone." Earl Wilson column.

"The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything." Phelps.

"To speak kindly does not hurt the tongue." French proverb
See you next time.



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