Monday, August 22, 2005



I had a physical exam in my doctor's office last week. The office exam was fine but I will have fasting lab work tomorrow so will know more about my well-being then. I discussed with my doctor being unsteady on my feet when I walk since my accident in April which resulted in injuries to my right shoulder and arm and was a traumatic experience for me.

The doctor told me it would take time to regain my strength and that the balance exercises that the physical therapist taught me would help me to walk more steady. I am doing those exercises and the ones for my shoulder and arm regularly. I use a cane to help me walk and it is scary when you feel as if you may fall at anytime. I will continue to hope and pray that I will have a complete recovery.

I also have a dental appointment and an eye exam appt coming up in next few weeks. My accident last April interfered with the dates of my medical exams but I will soon be finished with all of them, I hope.
These hot summer days, after my chores are done, I rest in my recliner and gaze out of the windows onto the plants on the patio. Some days I see pretty butterflies feasting on the
flower nectar of the red impatiens. I realized I didn't know much about butterflies. I did know that the transformation
of the ugly caterpillar into an elegant butterfly is one of the regularly performed miracles of nature.

Son Barry researched butterflies on the internet and printed out some materials for me. I learned that butterflies can
see red, green and yellow. Also, to obtain nectar, a butterfly's mouth is a long tube it keeps rolled up until ready to use, and is then used as a straw.

I recently read an article that advised all of us to cut back on red meat to avoid colon cancer and that we should eat fish or poultry instead. It was pointed out in the article, that the omega-3 fatty acids in fish, as salmon and sardines, have anti-cancer activity. Fortunately, Barry ad I like fish and poultry which just happens to be good for us, too. We eat red meat once or twice a week and eat lots of poultry and fish, too.

See you next time.


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