Monday, July 17, 2017


July 17, 2017

By Olivene Godfrey

I was five years old when I started to school.  A few years earlier my family had moved to a fairly new community (East Ridge) on the outskirts of Chattanooga where we had lived since I was one year old.  My twin sisters who we referred to as "the babies" didn't have a babysitter at that time.  So, a neighbor's daughter who would be entering the sixth grade agreed to walk to the school with me.  On the big day, I wasn't scared as I was eager to learn to read and write.  In my earliest memories my daddy would read the "funnies" to me as well as little articles I enjoyed.
The name of the school was Anna B. Lacey, a school I loved.  According to the internet the school is still open.  A picture on the internet of the school still looks like I remember it.  I have fond memories of the six years I was a student there.
I had been a student for a few weeks when my mother arranged to have a sitter so she could visit the school and talk to my teacher.  Each afternoon when I arrived home mother had a snack for me.  While I ate I told her about my day.  I told her my teacher's name was Miss Tribban and the principal was Miss Growl.  When mother visited the school she discovered those weren't their names.  She recalled when I was older, the day she visited I was sitting in the teacher's lap.
I have always been a finicky eater but I loved the cafeteria food at that school.  I remember the school having elaborate plays and festivals.  Once, I was a Shirley Temple doll in a play set in a toy store.  I had a Shirley Temple doll and mother, who was a needle artist made me a dress like my doll.  On the day of the play, she arranged my blonde hair into Shirley's classic style.  I have a photograph of myself made that day in my bedroom/sitting room.  I was fortunate to have had good teachers in elementary school.
See you next time.  Comments welcome.  (Edited & typed by Tam.)


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