Thursday, October 15, 2015


October 15, 2015

By Olivene Godfrey

I love to eat good food.  And I am suspicious of people who don't enjoy a lovingly prepared meal.  Most of us remember a food our mother's prepared for us when we were children.  My first dessert memory is one cooked by my mother.  She always had special snacks for my sisters and myself when we returned home after school.

One favorite snack was chocolate fudge spread between two saltine crackers.  I remember when she attended a "cooking school" for about a week when we lived in Chattanooga.  One dish she learned to cook was "caramel dumpling's", which became a favorite dessert.

After we became adults we looked, in vain, for the recipe.  My late sister, Joan, who lived in Florida experimented and come up with a recipe.  I was busy at that time with a journalism career and never tried it.  My son, Barry has memories of dishes I prepared when he was a child.

My late mother-in-law made the best cornbread dressing I've ever eaten.  My sister-in-law, Agnes Nichols fried fish and chicken in a large cast iron pot filled with hot cooking oil.  I'm not able to eat fried food now, but I often think of those fish and chicken suppers in Florida.  My late Aunt Eula cooked delicious sausage balls and divinity candy when I was a child.

I could go on and on since I've lived so long.  But, I want to tell you about recent favorite foods Barry and I have enjoyed.  Tam makes a delicious cheesecake that is oh, so rich, but delights our taste buds.  Her daughter, Carrie, makes the best chocolate cake we've ever eaten.  It just melts in your mouth and leaves you with a delicious taste in your mouth.

At my age, there are few things left for me to look forward to and eating good food and drinking iced tea and Starbucks coffee are important to me.  What is your favorite food?

See you next time.  Comments welcome.  (As told to Tam.)


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