Monday, August 20, 2007



I only had a few days to feel elated about the good results of my recent colonoscopy and endoscopy before I was stricken with a violent nausea attack. I have rarely vomited in my life, not even when I was pregnant. And, I have never experienced anything like the torrents of vomit that gushed from my throat without warning. Poor Barry ! He had to clean up the aftermath of my nausea and I don't know what I would have done without him. He says that he does unpleasant things, because,"You gotta do, what you gotta do." I think lately he has been pushing his limit though.

Barry called the GI doctor as we thought the nausea might have been caused bu the antibiotic I was taking. The doctor's nurse called in a prescription for me that stopped the nausea completely and we finally got some sleep. Then the next morning, I woke up with laryngitis and could barely make a grunting sound. My diaphragm and rib cages were sore and Barry speculated that explained why I had lost my voice. I still can't talk very well. I hope things will get back to normal soon. I am behind with my work but Barry is helping so we should catch up soon.

I am staying in our air conditioned house until this oppressive heat wave here in north Georgia ends. We are praying for rain and a break in the heat wave.

The wildflowers in our patio pot attracts butterflies and humming birds and some other small birds, including a tiny yellow one that looks like a canary. Bary says some of the tiny birds are actually eating the smaller flower petals. It is a pretty sight.

Quote: "Charm is the ability to make someone believe that both of you are wonderful." Ty Boyd

See you next time.


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