Sunday, September 11, 2005



I woke up Saturday morning (yesterday) with a sense of anticipation. something I rarely feel anymore. I was going to the Sears Optical center in the Dalton mall that day to
leave a prescription for new glasses and to select new frames as my old ones were broken when I fell in the spring.

I had an eye exam in Dalton on Friday and the doctor told me that my cataracts had grown the past year but were not ready for surgery. He added, "It is coming though."He had a
technician give me a test for Glaucoma as it runs in my family. Thankfully, I don't have Glaucoma. The eye doctor said my diabetes hasn't affected my vision so far. He gave me a prescription for eye glasses that should help my vision now.
I took my prescription to Sears and chose a pair of the new stylish copper tone frames. I had previously had the gold rim type glass frames for several years and wanted a change. Sears was having a sale for two pairs of glasses for low price. I also chose the added feature of scratch proof and light weight lenses and think I got a bargain. I will go back to Sears in a few days for my new glasses and will know then if they help my vision. I have only had reading glasses since my fall and I will have to get used to the bi-focals again.


Our weather for a week or so has been pleasant. The temps in the morning are cool and while it still gets hot up in the day the humidity is low so it doesn't feel too uncomfortable.
Unfortunately, some of us can't really enjoy being outside because of the hated rag weed. Yesterday, son Barry and I were outside a lot and late yesterday I felt like I was coming down with a cold or something worse. I almost lost my voice and just really felt lousy. I used a nasal spray and took some sinus medicine before going to bed. I slept good last night and feel better this morning. But, we are going out to eat lunch at the local cafeteria and will no doubt be feeling bad again in the afternoon.


For some reason, the mosquitoes have really been bad here in northwest Georgia this year. They must be swarming into the house whenever a door is opened. One night a mosquito bit my right eyelid and one of the critters bit my ear lobe on several occasions when I was resting in my recliner in the den. I hope they will disappear soon.

I was reminded last week of another night long ago when my late husband and I lived in Florida. On that night, we had guests from north Georgia and we cooked out in the backyard. While I was eating and enjoying my guests, I was also being almost eaten alive with mosquitoes attacking me. I was wearing shorts and both of my legs were covered with bites. Finally, I went inside and covered my legs with rubbing alcohol and in a short time the bites stopped itching and soon went away. Since that time, I have used the rubbing alcohol for mosquito bites as it works so well for me. I have also been using insect repellent when I am going to rest a while.

See you next time.


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