Tuesday, May 17, 2011


By Olivene Godfrey

Just a note to let you know that I've been missing talking to you in this space and hope you have missed me. I hope to be back on a regular basis soon.

I suppose everyone thinks of Helen Keller as a phenomenon.
being born deaf and blind did not prevent her from learning to read and write and speak. She learned to think with philosophical depth of understanding that reaches the hearts of all of us.

I have found strength and courage in these words written by Helen Keller--"Often when the heart is torn with sorrow, spiritually we wander like a traveler lost in a deep woods. We grow frightened, lose all sense of direction, batter ourselves against trees and rocks in our attempt to find a path. All the while there is a path--the path of Faith-- that leads straight out of the dense tangle of our difficulties into the open road we are seeking. (Excerpt from "The Bereaved")

See you next time.


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