Monday, January 12, 2004


By Olivene Godfrey

Most people discover sooner or later it isn't easy to impress the home folks. No matter how high a person may rise in the world, often people in his hometown, even his own family, don't appear to be very impressed with him or her.

There are probably many reasons why people are slow to recognize the achievements of their own. Maybe they still remember the famed person as, "that skinny , dumb kid, or "the shy child" or that person who was always a bit, "er, nuts". So, they find it hard to believe the person they once knew could be capable of achieving greatness.

Then, I've read of how some persons who have achieved fame have found upon returning to their hometown that old friends treat them with a certain aloofness. The old friends sometimes claim the celebrity has a , "big head." But, some of these famed individuals claim they are the same people they always were, that it's the old friends attitudes toward them have changed.
I suspect that often the old friends are a bit in awe of their hometown celebrity and perhaps a bit envious, too.

Many actors start out in life as shy people, afraid of others, and what others think of them. They compensate for their shyness by taking up a profession in which it is necessary to face people almost constantly. Too, they are somebody else while acting in a play or film. And, often after become successful, these people remain timid and unsure of themselves. So, they gain a reputation of being snobbish.

But, psychologists tell us that snobbery is a kind of wall that fearful people build around themselves and behind which they often cringe to keep others from finding out what they are really like. Such people, whether they are famous or not, need someone to bolster their self-confidence, so they'll dare to take down their own wall.

Oscar Wilde said, "Anyone can sympathize with the suffering of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathize with a friend's success."


We all know persons who think that education is a waste of time.
the process of education is largely a process of teaching certain rules and standards which have been adopted through the long experience of the human race as being worth preserving.

But, just what are the values of a good education? Does a good education assure one of great success and wealth. Many people do equate education solely with success in the business world.

However, an important value of knowledge is that it helps us to understand other people and to accept their weaknesses and their strengths.

Another value is that knowledge aids us in finding peace within themselves. Persons who read and study, and who aren't afraid to try new things, are able to live with themselves and not be unhappy when alone. Knowledge helps us to be good citizens and to do the best work of which we are capable.


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