Friday, November 21, 2003


By Olivene Godfrey

It has been said that when a writer believes he has written a masterpiece he should tear up his manuscript and start all over. And if he can't accept constructive criticism he is in trouble.

This philosophy can be applied to every profession. It is vital that we try to improve ourselves if we are to continue to grow. This is not to imply that we shouldn't have a sense of pride in our accomplishments. Too many people these days do not have enough pride in their crafts.

We should strive for perfection It can become fatal to the most successful person to become sloppy in his work. No one ever has it made. There is always someone waiting in the wings. Often a newcomer who is not afraid of hard work is eager to topple you from your throne.

Yes, life is a rat race for the successful person or for those who strive for success. But this way of life is largely responsible for our country's greatness.

Ours is a land where an individual is free to pursue his goals. And while success can never be assured, the person who has determination has a good chance of achieving his goals.

While there are many ambitious, hard-working young persons today, there are too many who seem to believe that the world owes them everything. They have not yet learned that you can't get something for nothing.

No skilled craftsman becomes good at his job without effort. God did give us brains and bodies and they cost us nothing. But their proper use doesn't come easily. A famous comedian was once asked what made him funny. His answer was, " Work, work, work. Making people laugh is work if you do it for your livelihood."

If you read our American history, you will find that every advance in government, science and religion, has been made because somebody worked and paid the price.

"If a man loves the labor of his trade, apart from any question of success or fame, the gods have called upon him." (Robert Louis Stevenson.)


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