Monday, December 29, 2003


By Olivene Godfrey

New Year's Day is celebrated as a holiday in almost every country. And, it is an old Southern tradition that if you eat black-eyed peas and hog jowl on the first day of a new year you'll have plenty of food during the year and dollars to equal the number of black-eyed peas you eat.

As I thought this week of the upcoming new year, and remembering that the past few years have not been happy ones for me, my first thought was that I would be grateful for a peaceful year with no traumatic experiences. Still, we learn from our despair. I think I am more aware that life offers a great deal of stormy weather, that things test us along the road of life.

By nature, I'm an optimist and in the past when life has knocked me down, I have managed to bounce back. So, I am going into the new year with great expectations. I hope for you as well as for myself that we may experience new times and new beginnings and first things will bloom once more and challenge will come again to enchant and inspire us. And, most of all, I will remember all I have learned, all that I have salvaged from unhappy experiences and I hope I can continue to hold onto my sense of humor.

The greatest tragedy is when something dies within a person while he still lives. If a person lives life to the fullest capacity he will shed tears, become angry, love deeply, and often be hurt. I prefer that kind of life to a shallow experience. But life never stands still and we continue to do the best we can.

Have a Happy New Year's day and eat plenty of black-eyed peas and I'll be here with more of my ramblings in 2004.

So long, for now, and take care.


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