Tuesday, March 01, 2011


By Olivene Godfrey

The weather here in Northwest Georgia is still spring-like with new growth and some jonquils and forsythia bushes blooming. As a result, the pollen count is soaring up to over a thousand several days and still incredibly high, causing discomfort to we allergy sufferers. It just seems to sap my energy. This past Sunday, son Barry and I made a quick trip to the mall in
Dalton so I could get a much needed haircut. Following a shampoo and very good haircut which I am enjoying, we left the mall and a cold wind was blowing . I had neglected bringing a scarf or hat to cover my head. And by the time we arrived back at home, I was already suffering from my allergy and was miserable the rest of the day.

Early the next morning, I woke up with a frightening pain in my throat. It felt as if a knife was stuck in my throat. When I heard Barry moving around in the house, I called him and told him about my throat pain. He went to his room and returned with his super flash light and looked in my throat. He said my throat wasn't red or unusual looking. He then reminded me that the previous year I had the same thing and doctor prescribed medicine which we still had in a drawer. The pills are very large but I managed to swallow it. Then I settled down in my recliner in the den. In about an hour, I noticed the pain had vanished. I don't know what I'd without Barry to remind me of things I forget so easily now that I'm old. Maybe he'll remind me to cover my head next time I have a shampoo and haircut.

Barry and I discussed yesterday how our taste buds have changed now that we are older. Foods we used to love no longer appeal to us. We have become accustomed to our more healthy diet now and we no longer have a craving for the heavy, greasy foods we once loved.

My inflammation anemia is causing me to feel weak all the time now. I have an appointment next week with the blood doctor and will have blood work and hope I will be eligible for a booster shot. I haven't had a shot in several months and feel really run down. There are things I need to do here in the house but I just can't do them now.

Last fall our huge Thanksgiving cactus was beautiful with its red blossoms. Now to our amazement, the plant has a few new pretty blooms. I have never had this happen in past and am curious to see if it blooms all over again. Our Incredible Poinsettia plant also has some red leaves on it but it has always been unpredictable.

See you next time.


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