Sunday, March 28, 2004


By Olivene Godfrey

The first thing I do when I get up every morning is look out of my bedroom window at the magnificent view we have from our front windows and porch of our house. As I gaze at the ever changing scene, I thank God for my vision. The sun coming up over the mountains is a gorgeous sight which I have tried to capture on film.

When we moved to our house 26 years ago, I used a Ricoh 35 mm manual camera and experimented with the settings until I found the right ones to shoot my sunrise pictures. I had three of the pictures enlarged and they hang on my home office wall and I am very proud of them. I also used this camera in my newspaper and magazine work until I retired.

My interest in photography began as a child. My parents gave me a little Brownie camera which I carried around with me often and snapped pictures of my family and friends. I have stacks of photo albums that go back over 60 years ago, some that belonged to our parents, go back even farther. We treasure these albums. Over the years, I owned several cameras and several years ago son Barry gave me a 35mm Minolta automatic camera which makes great pictures. Alas, old age has affected my vision and steadiness of hand so I have had to give up photography.

But, son Barry, inherited my love for photography and he has saved each of the different cameras we gave him over the years.
Now he uses a digital camera which amazes me. He can shoot pictures and almost immediately can develop them on his computer. He prints out the best of the pictures which we send to relatives who don't have computers or if we want the pictures to go in an album. His camera also makes mini-movies and no one is safe at family gatherings with Barry shooting candid movies of the unaware kin folks who are gesturing and talking which is being
recorded by the camera.

ABOUT THOSE TREES.... When we moved here 26 years ago, there wasn't any trees or shrubbery near the house. We fell in love at first sight with the house. It is situated atop a foothill of a mountain range here in northwest Georgia and overlooks a beautiful farm with a lake and picturesque barn and the mountains just beyond. But we had little privacy and no shade from the hot summer sun. So my late husband, Ralph, who had two green thumbs, went out into a nearby wooded area and dug up some little trees. He carried them home an lovingly planted them and cared for them. Today, when the trees are covered with greenery, they are tall and majestic, providing not only beauty, but privacy and shade for the house. We are grateful that Ralph lived to see the trees as he had envisioned them when he planted them. He also had a landscape plan drawn up and bought small shrubs at K-Mart and planted them and they too have grown big and pretty.

THE LIST.... Ingles, the huge supermarket where we buy groceries, in our hometown of Chatsworth, GA. overwhelmed me when I first went there to buy groceries and it took me forever and I was exhausted from back tracking to and fro in the upscale store.

Finally, I picked up a copy of the store directory which lists products by aisle number. The next time I planned a shopping trip, I spent a little more time working on my list. I listed products and foods I needed under aisle numbers and departments, such as bakery, deli, etc.... I cut the time I spent shopping in half and was able to enjoy my pleasant surroundings more.

See you next week....


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